A.Ashfield, Peter de Bolla, The sublime: a reader in British eighteenth-century aesthetic theory, 1996
Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism, 1711
Amanda A du Preez, THE RHETORICS OF THE eXtreme, University of Pretoria, 2005, pp. 651-659
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David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, 1777
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Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of The Sublime and Beautiful,
Frederick Schiller, Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays, Project Gutemberg, 2006
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Gilles Deleuze, Kant‘s Critical Philosophy, The Doctrine of the Faculties, 1984, Orginally published in France in 1963 as La Philosophie Critique de Kant by Presses Universitaires de France
Immanuel Kant, Η Κριτική της Κριτικής Δύναμης, Ιδεόγραμμα, 2002. Τίτλος πρωτοτύπου: Kritik der Urteilskraft, 1790
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Jacques Derrida, The Truth in Painting, 1987, First published as La Verite en Peinture, 1978
Jacques Derrida, Writing and Difference, Éditions du Seuil, 1978. Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: L'écriture et la différence, 1967.
James Elkins, Against the Sublime, Originally published as “Gegen das Erhabene” [“Against the Sublime”], in Das Erhabene in Wissenschaft und Kunst: Über Vernunft und Einbildungskraft, edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte (Berlin: Surhkamp: 2010): 97–113; English edition: Beyond the Finite: The Sublime in Art and Science, edited by Roald Hoffmann and Iain Boyd Whyte (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 20–42.
Jandy Stone, The Importance of the Sublime in the Romantic Aesthetic, 2007
Jean François Lyotard, Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime, Stanford University Press, 1994. Originally published in French as Leçons sur l’analytique du sublime, Galillee, 1991.
Jean François Lyotard, Απάντηση στο Ερώτημα Τι Είναι το Μεταμοντέρνο; Περιοδικό: Alfabeta, No 32, Αναδημοσιεύσεις: TUMULT, No 4, Critique, No 419
Jean-François Lyotard, Η μεταμοντέρνα κατάσταση, Γνώση, 2008, μετάφραση: Κωστής Παπαγιώργης. Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: La Condition Postmoderne, 1979.
Jean-François Lyotard, The Inhuman, Reflections on Time, 1988 (περιέχει το The Sublime and the Avant-Garde)
John Baillie, An essay on the sublime, 1747
John Milton, Paradise Lost, 1667
Joseph Addison, Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, in the Years 1701, 1702,1703, London, 1767
Monroe C. Beardsley, Ιστορία των Αισθητικών Θεωριών, Νεφέλη, 1989
Neil Hertz, The End of the Line, Essays on Psychoanalysis and the Sublime, Columbia University Press, 1985
Paul Crowther, The Kantian Aesthetic, From Knowledge to the Avant-Garde, Oxford University Press, 2010
Paul Crowther, The Kantian Sublime, The Avant-Garde and the Postmodern, A Critique of Lyotard, 1989
Paul Crowther, The Kantian Sublime, From Morality to Art, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989
Philip Show, The Sublime, The New Critical Idiom, 2006
Robert R. Clewis, The Kantian Sublime and the Revelation of Freedom, Cambridge University Press, 2009
Samuel Holt Monk, The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII-Century England, 1935
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, ed. , 1711
Theodor Adorno, Negative Dialectics, 1970
Thomas Burnet, The Sacred Theory of the Earth, London, 1691
Timothy M. Costelloe (editor), The Sublime, From Antiquity to the Present, Cambridge, 2012, (Contributors: Timothy M. Costelloe, Malcolm Heath, Rodolphe Gasché, Melissa Meritt, Rachel Zuckert, Éva Madeleine Martin, Paul Guyer, David B. Johnson, John R. J. Eyck, Chandos Michael Brown, Emily Brady, Andrew Chignell, Matthew C. Halteman, Adam Potkay, Theodore Gracyk, Richard Etlin)
Tom Cochrane, The Emotional Experience of the Sublime, 2012
Umberto Eco, Η ιστορία της ομορφιάς, Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη, 2004
Λογγίνος, Περί Ύψους, Κάκτος, 1999
Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης, John Milton, Χαμένος Παράδεισος, 1994